News and Happenings 2000

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1 Nov 00 Unfortunately winter is on it's way, in IL. Two weeks ago it was 92, two days after that it froze, only to warm back up to 82 on Wednesday (two days ago).
The leaves are turning/turned. We went for a really fun drive up the Illinois river from where it joins the Mississippi and it was very pretty.
School is going well for everyone. Tira is already planning next quarter's classes. Nicholas loves school but his teacher tells us our little bundle of entertainment should spend more time on his work and less time entertaining. :-)
Heather is playing flute this year. It's the first year that band is offered at her grade school. It's about time she can play at school, she's been bugging us for years to pay for private lessons.
Melanie is in one of the harder third grade classes. It's accelerated a little, just enough to challange her. She continues to amaze us with her ability to learn. She got straight A's on her first report card this week.
Nicholas' Pumpkin
Nicholas' first pumpkin. Looks sorta like Scott, huh?

04 Aug 00 Well it's been a couple of months again. We have a new dog. CJ Cute, huh?
His name is Caesar Joe. He was born on 5 March 00. He's all beagle, all puppy, and all trouble. And I used to think that Nicholas could get into trouble!

Summer has been fun. All of the kids took swimming lessons this summer so the pool has become like this part time home for Tira and the kids.

We've been busy getting enrolled in school. Notice the we... Everyone of us, from Nicholas to Scott are enrolled this year.
Nicholas is the most excited, and I think Nicholas is the most scared too.
Wish us luck this school year and we wish all of you going back to school, or on to more school, good luck also.

15 Jun 00 Been a few months....
Lessee... The kids are all out of school. Heather is now officially a 5th grader, Melanie is a 3rd grader, and Nicholas is a Kindergartner. The girls did real well and learned a lot in school, they will both return to Scott Elementary next year. Nicholas will go to some funky Kindergarten about 7 miles from the house. We aren't real excited about our 5 year old riding the bus alone!

Tira took two classes last quarter, Psychology and Geometry. She got an 'A' in both classes (of course!)
Scott took one course (JavaScript programming) and naturally got an A also.
Speaking of Scott... HE'S GETTING PROMOTED AGAIN!!!!
Whenever his line number comes up he will be a Senior Master Sergeant in the Air Force. It probably won't come up until Feb 2001. It sure seems like a long time to wait!

Lots going on.
We went camping in southern IL a week or so ago. What a fun time. It's been too long since we've been out together. We went to Lake of Egypt, about 45 miles south-southeast of Rend Lake. We fished once (dad broke his fishing pole and heather caught a blue gill), went swimming one time (the kids had fun, dad banged his leg), ate S'mores (kids ate, dad cooked himself and the marshmallows), swatted mosquitoes and picked ticks(gross!), got rained on and sun burnt. All in all... a real good trip. :-)

Congratulations to all of you with new babies. What? Is it in the water or something???

The girls and Nicholas all played their last baseball game of the year just last week also. Heather and Melanie played softball while Nicholas played T-ball. Scott pitched most of the games for the girls and had nearly as much fun as the kids did. Nicholas' team was so good that the coach treated them all to a picnic after the last game.

Summer's back. It's hot-hot-hot. But I'll try not to bitch too much... NOT!
Hope to see you soon!

07 Mar 00 Welcome to March. And welcome to springtime in Illinois.
So today is Tuesday. The high should be about 82. Last Saturday the high was like 40 something. Next Saturday, they're predicting snow and a high of 33. Go figure. :-)
Boy there's been a lot going on.
Both Tira and myself have lost relatives in the last couple of months. Our thoughts are with our families this year, that's for sure.
Melanie broke her nose (if you didn't already know!). She was on the playground at school and wandered too close to the swing-set. She wasn't paying attention and got kicked right in the face.
Nicholas has to wear glasses now. He looks adorable in them but I feel terrible for him. No one wants to wear glasses! He is pretty excited, and I'm grateful for that. I guess it's the first time in his life he's been able to see clearly so to him they're the greatest thing next to hot dogs. But I still feel bad.

If you haven't noticed, I've changed the format of this page (slightly) at the behest of Angie. Seems she was whining about oops! discussing my use of frames, so I've rewritten the code to use only one frame.
That would be the cute menu thingy to the left.
Anyway, thank Angie. :-)

11 Jan 00 Happy 19-2000!
So I'm betting we all write 19 00  or  19 2000  on our checks for a LONG time! :-)

Have you heard? The countdown to the next millennium is on!

We had a wonderful Christmas here (thank you), everyone is well, it's 60 degrees outside, and I'm playing hooky from work.
Here's hoping your days is as fine as mine.

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