I can't believe that you're really here!
last updated 2 Sep 98

This is my first attempt at animated graphics...

A wiggling l wiggling v wiggling a wiggling r wiggling

Bad hair day.... Scott and Heather, both having a bad hair day, 5-91
Heather age 2Heather has another bad hair day, at age 2
Go check out the Alaska Page if you've got a couple of minutes to spare while some pictures download. It's a little slow so if you decide to skip it I'll understand. If you go don't forget to hit 'back' on your browser to return here. I'd hate for you to miss anything.
Go check out some of the cars I've owned... Why? I don't know, I guess I have to justify this scanner that I bought. If you don't want to look no big deal. I did try to keep the images small, however, so it'll be fairly quick. Oh go ahead, you know you want to!
I was just thinking. You probably believe that I'm the only Silly person in the family, don't you? But it's just not true! Hey, I know! I'll bet you'd like to see some silly pictures of my brothers too. Yeah, that would be great, huh? Just a word of warning, however, the next page is pretty graphic intensive and will take like 20 or 30 seconds to load depending on your connect speed. I would suggest you go get a coke while you're waiting...

Produced in association with nobody.
All data is copyright of Scott Alvar. ®
Born on date: Monday, August 17, 1998

Produced in associaton with nobody.
Content is copyright of Scott Alvar®.